Saturday, August 25, 2012

Joe Arpaio, Pat Boone and Teabaggers Galore Hold BirtherFest September 22 at Celebrity Theatre

What in the hell is wrong with Arizona? I have been there and it is a lovely state. I did not come upon the crazy that these guys represent.

While the RNC holds their climate change karma convention in Tampa, there will be a run on tin foil in Arizona. The birthers are gonna have a party and it's invite only. Oh sweet hope chest,  please let me be invited?

Here's a news flash: Pat Boone is still alive.

I know, I thought he was dead, too. But there he is, proffered as one of the featured speakers at a big birther wing-ding scheduled for September 22 at the Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix.

The flier for the event promises that the 78 year-old Christian crooner will sing as well as speak. Wonder if he'll do any tunes from his 1997 album In a Metal Mood: No More Mr. Nice Guy. Always loved his cover of "Smoke on the Water."

Not sure who the old biddies will be swoonin' for more, Boone, or geriatric heartthrob Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who'll be presiding at the event as Birther-in-Chief.

According to a Facebook event page posted by wingnutty Cave Creek scribe Linda Bentley, the birther bash is being held to "Support Sheriff Joe in his call for a Congressional investigation [into President Obama's birth certificate]."

Apparently Joe didn't get the message that his birther shtick is not popular with the public.
recent Strategies 360 poll showed 65 percent of respondents expressing disapproval of Joe's probe of Obama's birth certificate, with 54 percent expressing strong disapproval.

Even GOPers aren't that fond of these birther shenanigans, with 44 percent disapproving of the nonsense. Among Democrats, 88 percent despise it, but that's to be expected.

I think Arpaio's rival Paul Penzone owes Arpaio a thank-you card for this one. Particularly as Joe's doing it after Labor Day, when voters traditionally begins to focus on the general election.

Arpaio and Boone will be joined on stage by other birther stars, such as court-martialed former Army doctor Terry Lakin. In 2010, Lakin pleaded guilty to disobeying orders to deploy because he didn't believe Obama was qualified to be commander-in-chief.

Lakin was dismissed from the Army and sentenced to six months in Leavenworth for his insubordination. (Ha-ha.) The birthers think this loser is a "hero," because he refused to do his patriotic duty.

Also attending will be lead cold case posse shamus and porn-star-mustache-wearer Mike Zullo, a car salesman by profession, and by demeanor. Take one look at the guy. Are you surprised this cheese-ball sells cars?

Ticket prices run $10 to $30, which raises another question: Where's the money going? After all, Arpaio did this dumb investigation with taxpayer funds and on taxpayer time, and he's been using it to raise money for his political war chest.

Like he needs the dough, with $4.1 million on hand as of the end of June. Sheesh.

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