Saturday, August 18, 2012

Paul Ryan and Ayn Rand

"Speaking of books that can change your life, apparently Atlas Shrugged has changed a lot of people into assholes." - Jimmy Dore

Well, there you go. That's about 9 minutes of talking up Ayn Rand and talking down Social Security. He says in one breath that Objectivism lead him to help people and in the next that people don't need help.

And now he is disavowing Ayn Rand now that he is running on the Romney ticket. Check out this shoddy tap dancing. See how he deals with the atheism issue while he claims to be a Catholic.

That just doesn't pass the smell test, Paul. Why don't you just own it, Paul? Be that fanatic you showed us in front of the Atlas Society. Do it. You'll probably scoop up one or two of those Ron Paul votes. Libertarians love themselves some of that "morality of capitalism".

I am sure there will be more paul Ryan and Ayn Rand videos to come.

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