Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Facts on Obama's Tax Cuts

As we are in full swing election season - full swing lying season, it is important to once again bat down the crap stories about President Obama's love of taxes. He did not raise our taxes. He has never raised our taxes. The fact is that President Obama cut taxes for 98 percent of working people in 2009 and for everyone else, their tax didn't change. At all. Period.

Here is the Center for Tax Justice's state by state details of exactly how Barack Obama DIDN'T RAISE TAXES IN 2009.

And since? The Bush Tax Cuts of 2001 and 2003 are now the Obama Tax Cuts of 2011. He extended the Bush Cuts despite his promise to raise taxes on those making over $250,000 per year. He didn't keep that promise and it pissed off the base of his party, your's truely included. He says that he won't let that happen again. I don't know if I believe him. Regardless, until he acts on those cuts this time, he HAS NOT RAISED TAXES during the entire time he has occupied the White House. Period.

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