Saturday, September 01, 2012

Romney Calls America a 'Company'

A hem.... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 31, 2012 07:00 PM
Romney Calls America a 'Company'

By karoli

Mitt gives new meaning to the term "corporate America" in this clip. At a Florida rally, he gives the whole tired speech about how President Obama "just doesn't understand the economy". He then launches into his promises about how he and Paul Ryan will get "reach across the aisle and find good people who like us, wants to make sure this company deals with its challenges". Romney then punctuates that with "we'll get America on track again."

Right here. This is the heart and soul of Mitt Romney. America is just another company for him to turn around. Let me remind you about how he "turns around" companies.
He loads them with debt.
He strips their assets.
He merges them with other companies if it's profitable for him to do so.
He sends jobs overseas.

That's the Romney model, except there's this one problem. The United States of America isn't a company. It's a country. And countries don't work like corporations. At least, not yet.
Oh, that was delicious!

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