Sunday, September 02, 2012

Victoria Jackson to the rescue

Categorize this under "don't help".

Professional idiot Victoria Jackson came out to defend Congressman Todd Akin for his irresponsible remarks claiming that women who are "legitimately raped" do not get pregnant. She joined the courus of stupid by claiming "point zero zero one percent" of rapes result in a in pregnancy. There was more dumb to come:
“If I got raped, I would have the baby. And if I didn’t want to keep it because I had these [mocking tone] horrible nightmares, I would adopt it out. But I think that God can turn a bad thing into a good thing. And that, if I got raped and a beautiful baby who was innocent was born out of it, that would be a blessing. The DNA of a baby is individual. It’s not the mother’s DNA. It’s not the father’s DNA. And that’s why I believe abortion is murder, because it’s not the woman’s body. It has it’s own DNA. If there’s a boy baby inside of me, he has a penis. That’s not my body.”


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